Friday, January 4, 2013

New Year's day run

Every year on January 1st I go for a run outside. I do not take any form of music it's just me and God. I cherish this time. I usually run inside all winter on the treadmill and watch t.v. on the computer. But this run is not about running for exercise. I enjoy reflecting on the previous year and thinking about the year to come. I have done this since college. Some years I remember more than others. I remember one year I was 8 months pregnant and only made it 1 mile (horrible for me). It was the only year I let someone else come with me. I allowed Darryl to come in case I fell and needed help. This year as I was reflecting I realized what a great year it was. We saw our little girl's face for the first time. Did so many memorable things as a family including Makayla's first sleep in a tent outside camping trip. Gavin started kindergarten and did wrestling for the first time. Makayla and I have had a great time transitioning to girl time all day while Gavin is in school. It has just been a great year. Towards the end of the run I start thinking about the coming year. 2013 *should* be the year we add another member to the family. Anytime in the next few months we should be headed to Thailand to pick up our little girl! I am so excited for this year to unfold and with it all the ups and downs that every year has. SO EXCITED FOR 2013!!!

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