Friday, January 4, 2013

New requirements...

So Thailand has decided that every parent adopting from Thailand needs a psychological evaluation and a letter stating that they are in good mental health. This new requirement has to be completed before we are approved for travel. So as is true with everything in the adoption world we have to hurry up and get our part done and then wait patiently for the next step. But as has been true with our adoption journey God has shown us he is in charge and is going to take care of us. God came through again for us and we got squeezed in with a psychologist this week! He met with me today and has Darryl scheduled for Monday. He is hoping to have our letter done by the middle of next week. On top of that the psychologist we met could end up being a resource should we ever need a counselor for Kannika after the adoption. He works with other families that have adopted. We are hoping to get this letter mailed to Holt next week so we can keep waiting. :)


  1. Your patience & faithfulness will harvest very soon. I'm so happy for you!!!

  2. That is great! I'm so glad you were able to get this new requirement dealt with so soon. :)
