Thursday, December 20, 2012


  Knowing that December is update month I have really been praying for an update before Christmas. Then I got a really bad chest cold and have been feeling pretty crummy for 2 days. I was getting pretty down about it because Christmas is coming and I am sick. I just knew we were never going to the update before Christmas I mean there were only 2 more work days until Holt breaks for Christmas anyway. Then my husband calls and tells me this morning we have our update. I cannot in any sort of words explain all the emotions I go through reading those updates and studying her pictures. Let's just say if there is an emotion it probably ran through me.
  This update is the first update that actually wasn't all medical information. The only medical information we received was good news for sure. They said since she has an adoptive family in process she will not be receiving any surgeries in Thailand. They will wait and perform them stateside. That is a huge relief for me. If you read my post from the last update that was a big concern. BIG SIGH there. :) The rest of the update was on her personality which is so nice to hear about. Apparently she's going to fit in well with my current children. They mentioned she likes to get her way. :) No surprise there after all God did place her in our family. It's only fair to her that she's able to hold her own with her 2 big siblings. This update talked quite a bit about her being prepared to be with her adoptive family. I read it thinking, oh good there might actually be an end to all this waiting. The phrase that caught me the most though was definitely "she takes a while to warm up to strangers and clings to her Foster mom for comfort". This is a blessing and a challenge all at the same time. The good side is that is means she has learned to attach which is good because it means after she grieves the loss of her foster mother she will look to attach again. The obvious bad is she could really have a hard time with the separation at first. I have been praying all along for as smooth of a transition as possible for her. Now I can be more specific though. I ask for your prayers along with mine. That somehow God is preparing her little heart for the changes to come. The only way she will be prepared is a miracle of God. She isn't even 2 so no matter how many times her foster mother tells her about her forever family it's not like is truly going to understand what is about to happen to her. It will truly take God's hand on her to help her. I know she will grieve but I just pray for her sake she will not grieve long. Then there was the part in the update that made me chuckle a little. It said "she does not like to be hot." Well that's good since it's pretty much never hot here. Just another little way God is showing us she was meant for our family.
   I could not possibly be more thankful for the updated pictures and information. It was just what I needed. Also she is wearing the dress my mom bought for her in the pictures. She looks just so cute in it. She is also looking at the picture book we sent her with our pictures in it. That was exciting to see. Even though I know the social worker does that on purpose. I don't care. It's still exciting to see. :)

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