Thursday, June 7, 2012

One step at a time

    This last week I have been learning yet again that God wants me to let go of control. I like to know how things are going to go, you know what the plan is and every step a long the way. Even with this adoption process I have known the general plan. I knew where the delays might happen and what steps to take. Even the delays were in the "plan". Well this week God has handed us a situation that I cannot have control over. I have been praying about it the whole time but also using google and looking things up. Trying to figure out exactly what the future would look like under this new plan God may or may not have for us. I was on a long run which is about 2 hours for me and I was just talking to God about the process and telling Him that I am okay with whatever happens. Well, obviously I wasn't because I was still trying to get answers as to what the future would hold. Sunday in church our Pastor talked about the difference between walking with God and letting God walk with us. We should be walking with God because that means we are going where He wants us to go not asking Him to come with us on our journey. Well Tuesday night I was praying again and God just seemed to say to me that I needed to let go and take a step of faith. God did this by bringing to mind a movie I saw around Christmas time called "The Star". The movie talks about how God planned everything for Jesus coming to earth even down to what stars were going to be in the sky when he was born and when he died. God set those stars in that pattern from the beginning of time. That's how big my God is and why do I feel He has to tell me His whole plan for my life right now. He's big enough to handle it. I don't need to have the answers I just need to keep following Him.   Something my husband reiterated when he got home but I needed to hear it from God first. 
   So I decided that maybe God is asking us to step on this step for now and that is the only step He is going to show me. I probably won't ever get to see the whole path at once but that's okay He will just keep showing me one step at a time. I am sure I will have to remind myself of this every day but with God's help I will be patiently waiting on the step we are on right now for him to show us the next step.

1 comment:

  1. Amazingly mature and Godly outlook, Amanda!! I pray God's peace on you and Darryl while you wait on each step.
