Monday, July 29, 2013

17 Days!!!!

   Last week our adoption agency said to expect to travel at the end of August for a September board meeting date in Thailand. Those dates were confirmed but we knew we would get our confirmed dates this week sometime. WELL, this morning we got an email from our agency telling us our board meeting date is August 21st! With traveling across the International Date Line that meant we needed to leave here on August 15th... which is 17 days from now!!! We are more than excited to be getting our little girl. AND we will actually get to meet her on the 18th. I was in shock for a bit trying to think of what to do next. In a matter of 30 minutes I had our flights booked since that is really the most important part. The tickets cost quite a bit more than we had planned since we had to book them on such a short notice. We haven't been able to get the hotel booked yet because there is no availability on the last day we need to be there. I have emailed them and the website says they usually have extra rooms for these reasons so hopefully we will get our hotel booked soon. Honestly after the initial shock though the details seem less important to me because we are finally going to get our little girl!!! 
   Our next 2 1/2 weeks will be crazy we have Fusion our state wide youth conference, Makayla is getting weekly x-rays on her arm that she broke 3 weeks ago, Makayla's birthday party since we will miss her actual birthday :(, Get all of Gavin's stuff ready for the 1st day of school, all the before school starts doctors appointments I had scheduled, and all the normal day to day tasks. Every extra thing is joyful though because it's a busy that will not allow me to completely stress and freak out about our trip. This will be the 1st time we've left the kids for this long. 
   People have asked if we need anything and we just mostly need prayer. As excited as we are about getting our little girl I am not so thrilled about missing Makayla's birthday and the 1st day of 1st grade for Gavin. I am okay with my life being crazy but it makes me sad to miss out important parts of the kids lives. So prayer for the kids during this transition. Prayer for safe travels for us. Also prayer for our little Thai girl. She is about to go through the biggest change of all. She has never been outside of Thailand, never been on a plane, never met us (although we've sent pictures), and will have to adjust to a time zone 12 hours different from what she has lived in her whole life.
  God has been so good to us through this whole journey and He will get us through this transition. We are so excited for the next month and what else God is going to do.


  1. So happy and excited for you guys! We will be praying for a smooth transition!

  2. Yeah!! Very excited for you guys and prayers for you!
