Friday, October 26, 2012

We are SO blessed

   This is a blog about how AMAZING God is. A few weeks ago we got news that we qualified for a matching grant. We were really excited about this because whatever we raised up to 2,000 would be matched. I prayed about how to get the word out because I am not really comfortable asking people for money. I mostly just prayed that God would send the right people. I never want anyone to feel pressured to donate I just want it to be a completely God led thing. So one night Darryl just posted the link on Facebook and with that one post we met our goal within a few days!!! God is so good!!!! We are that much closer to bringing our baby girl home. We don't actually receive any of the money until we bring our little girl home. It's just a policy our adoption agency has. Which is fine we can pay off the travel expenses when we get back. Plus who knows how many medical bills we are going to have when we get home so the reimbursement will help with those too. In the meantime we are just saving as much as possible to pay the travel fees when the time comes. I literally think about our travel date every day. I think about finally getting to be with our little girl.
  P.S. as I am writing this blog my 5 year old is sitting next to me singing along with my iTunes "Hallelujah, Our God reigns". Brings tears to my eyes hearing his little voice praising God. If you have not heard the song "Never Once" by Matt Redman you need to look it up. It's amazing and has pretty much come to describe our whole adoption experience.

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