Wednesday, May 15, 2013


  We got THE call we've been waiting for this morning. We have our 1st Approval! I know if you aren't in the adoption you are thinking... and that means? Well 1st Approval is a phone call that our adoption agency gets from Thailand to tell them that our match was officially approved by the board in Thailand. The social worker in Thailand will now mail a very important piece of paperwork to our adoption agency. That piece of paper will have our travel date. Our agency worker said it usually takes about a month for that paper to get to them from Thailand. So she said to expect to travel in 2-3 months.
  The timing of that phone call could not have been better. We have been having some leaky pipe problems in the house and my husband just keeps finding more mold that we need to take care of. It was just really getting overwhelming on top of the constant ache in the my heart that we are so far from our little girl. We needed some good news this week. I am crying tears of joy. If you know you me very well you know I'm not a crier and I only cry at sad events. But the emotions of the last year of waiting and finally getting that call put me over the edge. I was also kind of dreading Monday (the 20th) because it's our little girls birthday. She will be 2 on Monday and the not knowing when we were finally going to be with her was just to much for me to be looking forward to another milestone that we are missing in her life. BUT now I know it is really coming to an end. We can now celebrate her birthday and confidently say "We are coming to get you baby girl!"


  1. Hurray! So happy for the good news you got today!! Praying for the letter to fly on wings and get to the agency faster than expected so you can hold your baby girl very soon!!

  2. Yay! I hope article 16 comes as fast as ours did!!

  3. Rejoicing that you will soon be experiencing many firsts with her soon :) Krista
