Wednesday, August 8, 2012


   I have been checking my email like crazy this month because we could get a new picture of our little girl. With all the craziness of Fusion (the statewide youth conference my husband is in charge of at our church) I forgot we were supposed to be hearing about the grant we finished applying for last month. So right before the event kicks off tonight I checked my email and we had gotten an email from the foundation. They had provided exactly what we were told we would probably need for travel!!!!! I was so excited I went and found Darryl immediately and gave him the good news. It was just the break of good news we both needed.
   I knew all along God was going to provide the money. He proved that to us back in February when He provided the money we were going to need for the referral. I have never doubted that He would provide, which is a big step for a control freak who likes to have a plan. I didn't know how or when but I knew He was going to provide. We have been budgeting pretty hard but I knew that was never going to produce the money we needed. I knew God was going to have to provide that in some other way. What I love about how God provided for us is that He didn't make us wait until the last minute wondering when He was going to provide. Both times we have needed a large sum of money He has come through pretty far in advance of when we needed it. If it had been in His plan to wait that would have been fine with us but thankfully He is allowing us the privilege of knowing He has us covered. I still am a little in shock that whenever the Thai government is ready we are ready to go! I am so excited to go get our little girl!!! 


  1. Oh my gosh! That is SO amazing! At the beginning of our process, when I was SO stressed about money, a good friend told me "God funds what He favors." And truly, I have seen it time after time. I'm not saying every penny neeeded will drop from the sky, but I think our trust and His faithfulness is a significant part of this journey! Congrats!

  2. That is wonderful! I am so glad that you are fully funded. Now you are all ready to go! :)
