Saturday, March 24, 2012

Praying for our child's foundation

  Well it's March and that is referral month at Holt. For those of you not familiar with adoption language I will explain. Every quarter Holt receives the profiles of the children they are allowing to be adopted through Holt. It's usually about 4-5 children every quarter according to Thao our coordinator at Holt. We are pretty far down the list so I'm not really thinking about actually getting a referral but when you are involved in international adoption it's all about the small steps. So soon we should find out how far up the list we moved this time. Since I have nothing really to update yet though I figured I could just put some of my recent thoughts down.
  I've started praying recently for the mother carrying our child. If our child hasn't been born yet he/she is really close. Since the babies are usually around 9 months at referral and that's how long until we are expected to get our referral well I figure somewhere across the world our baby is being born. I can't imagine the struggle that mom is going through to have to give up her child. It's unimaginable to me to have to make that decision because you love your child so much. I hope somehow she can be comforted knowing her child will be cared for.
  I also pray for the foster family that is going to be raising our baby until we can come get him/her. I pray that they are a nice family who will provide our child with lots of love. I doubt they will ever know the importance they play and I will probably never be able to adequately thank them for taking care of our baby for us. The first year of life is so foundational to development and we cannot be there for our child so it is comforting to know there is a family that is willing to start on that foundation.

1 comment:

  1. Are there not enough people adopting so that there's someone all ready as soon as a baby is born? It's too bad that they have to be shuffled around. It's very wise, though, to be praying for your baby's mother and foster family.
